
Gastouderbureau Toppie works with four essential pedagogical objectives. We think it is important that our host parents pay attention to these goals during the reception. As a childminder agency, we believe in a good connection between parent, childminder and agency. We support our host parents in several areas in order to continue to guarantee high-quality care.

Emotionele veiligheid waarborgen

It is important that a child is cared for in an trusted and familiar environment. The interaction with other children, parents and the childminder is also known, understandable and acceptable to the child.

Transferring values and norms

The childminder has an exemplary function towards the child. That is why it is important that the childminder pays close attention to his or her behavior during childcare. This includes transferring the right values and norms, so that the child learns what is expected of him or her.

Develop social competences

With the childminder, the child learns to interact and cooperate with other children and adults, such as the childminder and other parents. The childminder ensures that this is done in a good way.

Develop personal competences

Professional childminder care offers children the opportunity to develop on a personal level. It is important to choose activities and materials that match the age, development, interests and character of the child.

In our pedagogical policy plan we elaborate on the above goals. You will find the most recent version of our pedagogical policy plan here.

Quality requirements host parents

Quality requirements host parents

Start your own location with Gastouderbureau Toppie

Quality assurance

In addition to the requirements that are set when selecting our host parent, we guarantee quality by regularly visiting host parents and the reception location, at least twice a year. This happens both announced and spontaneous. During these home visits, it is checked whether the childminder and the childcare location still meet the requirements. There is also sufficient time during the home visit to discuss the wishes and questions of the childminder, in the form of an evaluation. An annual evaluation is also conducted with the parents. This evaluates the location, the functioning of the childminder and the cooperation with the childminder agency.

GGD checks

The GGD regularly visits childminders and childminder agencies to check whether all rules and laws that apply in childcare are being observed. Following an inspection, the childminder and the childminder agency receive an inspection report. You can read the most recent inspection report from Gastouderbureau Toppie here. Previous reports from Gastouderbureau Toppie and the reports of the host parents who are affiliated with Gastouderbureau Toppie can be found on the website of Landelijk Register Kinderopvang.

Reporting Code for Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

Gastouderbureau Toppie works with the Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Reporting Code. This has established an unequivocal approach to child abuse and domestic violence in, among other things, the childcare sector. All host parents at Gastouderbureau Toppie will be informed of the content of this reporting code before the start of the childcare.


Comments or questions? We always take your complaint seriously!

Childminders and parents can always contact Gastouderbureau Toppie with their complaint. Gastouderbureau Toppie is working on a solution that satisfies all parties.

Read more about our complaints procedure.

Gastouderbureau Toppie uses services such as registration, invoicing and other administrative actions supported by De Gastoudercentrale and the very user-friendly and complete administration system Opvangapp.